About ISIC

ISIC – Interassistantial Services for the Internationalization of Conscientiology is a non-profit organisation run by volunteers, formally within the ICCC, ISIC has the status of a “pre-Conscientiocentric Insitution” (Pre-CI).

ISIC was created to act as a means to assist the internationalization of conscientiology (the post materialist science that studies consciousness in an integral way), its scientific sub-specialities and the organizations dedicated to the development and elucidation of these sciences. Conscientiology, a neo-science first proposed in Brazil in 1981, operates under the Consciential Paradigm and utilizes the Principle of Disbelief in order to stimulate personal experimentation, rationality, discernment and growth based on direct, lucid personal multidimensional experiences and not on any kind of belief or dogma.

ISIC will support organisations in the ICCC (the International Cosmoethical Conscientiological Community) that are expanding their direct interassistantial efforts, involving the clarification task, to regions beyond Brazil. ISIC will also act as another channel of communication (inbound and outbound) for individuals who are interested in learning about the leading edge relative truths generated by conscientiology along with its more than 1300 sub-disciplines or specialties.

The following graphic captures the operating context of ISIC and intends to show how ISIC supports IC (what ISIC is calling its “indirect assistance”) and also how ISIC will act in a direct interassistantial manner.

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Organizational Materthosene:  Intercooperation

Principle of Disbelief.

The Principle of Disbelief is the fundamental proposition of conscientiology which states that the researcher should not accept any idea in an a priori, dogmatic or mystical manner, but should firstly reflected upon it and subject it to a critical, rational and dispassionate analysis.
Through the principle of disbelief one replaces belief with rationality and knowledge gained from personal experience. The principle of disbelief is a practical challenge.

For more on the Principle of Disbelief see this page.

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