Book Downloads

The aim is to have all of Waldo Vieira’s books available for free download, here are some of them (and more are coming).

Head to this page for a links to print or ebooks available to buy in English.




700 Conscientiology Experiments by Waldo Vieira

Download “700 Conscientiology Experiments” (Free PDF)

You can download the free PDF, or you can get the work as an eBook on Amazon.

A reference work on conscientiology, this treatise, with more than 5,000 entries in the bibliography, first published in Portuguese in 1994, presents the reader with the bases of the neoscience conscientiology.

The author proposes 300 tests for self-application, dealing with topics of great relevance such as assistance, the theory of thosene (the unit of consciential manifestation, represented by thought, sentiment and energy), and the theories of existential inversion and recycling, among others.

The work establishes conscientiology as the science applied to the study of the integral consciousness (ego, personality, individual essence, intelligent principle) in an approach that includes all its vehicles of manifestation (bodies or somas), attributes, characteristics and prior existences.

The content is deepened and presented in a theoretical and practical way, so the reader understands the relevance of this knowledge to their life.

The science of conscientiology utilizes the best ideas from the main lines of human knowledge: common sense, religions, philosophies, political ideologies and conventional sciences; and is based on multidimensional self-experience, having consciousness as both the instrument and object of research.



Projectiology: A Panorama of Experiences of the Consciousness Outside the Human Body by Waldo Vieira

 Download “Projectiology: A Panorama of Experiences of the Consciousness Outside the Human Body” (Free PDF)

A comprehensive post-materialist treatise on the out-of-body experience and psychic phenomena.

Projectiology is an authoritative, technical, and scholarly volume that provides definitive information on the out-of-body experience (OBE) and paranormal and psychic phenomena. It is a detailed work that orients the reader in their understanding and development of energetic self-control and psychic awareness. As such it is an invaluable source of information on the interaction between the physical and non-physical worlds.




Our Evolution by Waldo Vieira

Download “Our Evolution” (Free PDF)

Who am I?
What am I?
Where am I from?
Why am I here?
Where am I going?

Our Evolution responds to these five classic philosophical questions as well as more than 100 others.

Dr. Vieira, progenitor of the sciences of projectiology and conscientiology analyzes evolution in a manner that goes beyond mere philosophical inquiry and even the scope of biological evolution. His focus is the evolution of the consciousness – our personal world.
Transcending societal superficiality, this book takes a profound, yet objective and practical approach. It shows how to optimize our performance in this life and even how to prepare for our next existence.




Penta Manual by Waldo Vieira 

Download “Penta Manual” (Free PDF)

Penta (personal energetic task) is the individual, assistantial transmission of consciential energy (CE) directly to ill or deficient consciexes or projected conscins, whether close-by or at a distance, who remain intangible and invisible to common human vision. This task is programmed for a certain hour in the day of a human consciousness, while in the ordinary physical waking state, and is assisted by one or more Helpers.

PDF of the book Proexis Manual will be available at a future date (but in the mean time please support Editares by purchasing the eBooks if you can).

Editares has books, in various languages, available for free download on this page.

Visit The Bridge Writers website for more information on written material in English.



 Conscientiogram by Waldo Vieira 

Enjoy this short video overview of the Conscientiogram and Conscientiometry, and consider buying the book on Amazon or downloading the free PDF below):

The Conscientiogram (Conscius’ course material version) is below. This is a free download and can be used in conjunction with the upcoming online course, Conscientiogram Without Drama.

Download (PDF, 1.63MB)

Please see the Conscius site to enrol in the course, Conscientiogram Without Drama.

For those wanting to perform self-research here are a couple of resources to be used when performing self-research with the Conscientiogram.

Self-research: Conscientiogram Summary

Download (PDF, 32KB)

Item Classification Technique Worksheet

Download (PDF, 9KB)

You can also download the 360 degree spreadsheet here, or get it from the Conscius site.

The following is an overview of the Conscientiogram provided to participants at The Science of Consciousness conference, 2017.

Download (PDF, 588KB)

The article presented by Jeffrey Lloyd at the same event was the following:

Download (PDF, 815KB)

The abstract accepted was:

Conscientiogram: A Post-modern Method to Evaluate Consciousness
Jeffrey Lloyd, Conscius, Cognopolis, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil

The Conscientiogram is a method proposed (Vieira, 1996) to evaluate the manifestation of consciousness with the aim to stimulate the development of self-knowledge and personal evolution. The method is based on a taxonomic approach that classifies attributes of personality manifestation into different sections. The classified attributes are explored through questions that compose the protocol of an evaluation sheet.
The resulting multifaceted evaluation of the consciousness allows identification of a personality’s strongtraits, weaktraits and absentraits and analysis of individual competencies as well as distortions, incoherences, and personal impediments. This subsequently facilitates identification of areas which could most benefit from intraconsciential modification.

You can also see here on the TSC site for the text:

Download full book of TSC 2017 abstracts here: