11 Types of Intelligence

Each of us has different intelligences within us, and each of them are developed to different levels. This reality, when combined with personal  strongtraits, weaktraits and absentraits; attributes, values, personal temperament, along with other influences from your paragenetics, genetics and our mesology (cultural environment), represents the complex and multifaceted manifestation of our individual essence, or consciousness.

The following chapter is from 700 Conscientiology Experiments by Waldo Vieira, let us know what you think!


Endowments. Here are 11 types or modules of intelligence from among the multiple intellectual endowments that you may have. Recognise, identify, research, cultivate and develop them according to Mentalsomatology research (Conscientiology and Conscientiometrology):

01. Communicative. Communicative intelligence confers to an international model (physical appearance or somatics) – Brunet -, the ability to sustain active communication with strangers, people who do not speak the same language, to subordinate diverse physical environments through physical presence alone and to draw the attention of large crowds. The energosoma helps greatly in this case.
02. Contextual. The intelligence or aptitude of an eminent statesman,Churchill -, employed to select, adapt or contribute to changing the environment around them, in order to attend to needs in the vital universe of intraphysicality.
03. Corporal. The quality allowing an exceptional ballet dancerNijinski -, to manipulate objects and maintain harmonious control over the physical movements of the soma within somaticity. This is the same kinesthetic talent or intelligence of a circus contortionist.
04. Spatial. A scientist’s faculty of determination, a theoretical physicistEinstein -, which allowed him to perceive objects and intuit their hidden forms, rotating them mentally in elaborations of pure theoretical research within conventional, or periconsciential, science.
05. Experimental. The residual self-discernment of an international racing car driverFittipaldi -, which acts when using experience to resolve unexpected problems or new situations that require some type of rapid action.
06. Internal. The mental dexterity utilised by world champion, chess grandmasterKarpov -, to approach a specific problem, correctly evaluate it and determine the practical consequences of a strategy in order to change it when inadequate.
07. Linguistic. The talent to write and speak of a poetShakespeare -, who, being sensitive to the diverse ways in which language is used, knew how to choose the correct words.
08. Logical. The ingenuity that allowed the mathematicianEuler -, to arrange facts, objects and numbers, into a certain order, enabling an ongoing distinction of quantities.
09. Musical. The composer’sBeethoven – capacity to hear music and arrange notes, distinguish musical melodies, rhythms and sequences in the universe of Art.
10. Parapsychic. The property of an authentic parapsychic personArigó – to experience holosomatic, multidimensional, animic, phenomenic and energetic manifestations capable of turning a conscin into a lucid epicon.
11. Personal. The subtlety able to help a renowned psychologistFreud – understand himself and others, in examining their own feelings and distinguishing them from those of other conscins, permitting the perception of their own intentions, temperament and states of humour, as well as those of others.
Test. We are not irrational beings. Which of these types of intelligence, – besides others – do you recognise as having most developed? To your mind what is the greatest intelligence?

Book: 700 Conscientiology Experiments by Waldo Vieira

Page: 381

Section: Mentalsomaticity



Rarities. Each conscin can have, at the very least, up to 11 differentiated intelligences. However, people carry fissures in the intimacy of their personality. When a man or woman manages to live and function in a reasonable way with 3 of these 11 intelligences, you have encountered a triendowed genius. Such people are, in fact, still very rare. (Vieira, Waldo; 700 Conscientiology Experiments; Ch. 376)